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About Us

Hello, my name’s Marvin Armstrong. I'm a sailor by trade and have lived on the sea sailing the oceans across the world. This blog is all about my passion that surrounds maritime as well as other aspects of life that are important to me that is my home life and the things, I do that make up my character and the way I live.

Initially, starting out as a hobby to express my maritime interest, this blog has developed into far more than that and has diversified across broad topics.

Maritime Heritage

This section of my site is what I was initially planning to base the entire site on before I got carried away to create a lifestyle blog.

This section is about Maritime Heritage, and it discusses the history behind maritime and how things were back hundreds of years ago on the sea.

It is a fascinating subject that has inspired so many people that have lived their lives on the sea and have given up their lives to the sea as well.

This section is a must read for anyone that has an interest in Maritime Heritage.

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Maritime Heritage